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Product Description
Brand: QMx
Color: Multicolor
- Consumed by her hatred of humanity, Demona is one of the most dangerous gargoyles in existence.
- Though Demona transforms into a human during the daylight, her stunning gargoyle form is a sight to behold - fearsome, beautiful and perfect for your Q-Fig collection.
- Inspired by the classic Disney animated television series Gargoyles, the Demona Q-Fig presents the She-Demon as she prepares to leap from her perch and strike with razor sharp claws and a vicious prehensile tail.
- The base itself is meticulously sculpted to resemble the gothic rooftop of the Eyrie Building, which will match perfectly when paired with the Goliath Q-Fig. Beware, though - sparks may fly
- Demona and Goliath are the first releases in our new Gargolyes collection with more to come. Stay tuned!
Binding: Accessory
Release Date: 31-07-2021
model number: DIS-0118
Part Number: DIS-0118
Details: Overview Angel of the Night Consumed by her hatred of humanity, Demona is one of the most dangerous gargoyles in existence. The former mate and second-in-command of Goliath, she has spent the last 1000 years alone and thirsting for vengeance against the humans who betrayed them. Though Demona transforms into a human during the daylight, her stunning gargoyle form is a sight to behold - fearsome, beautiful and perfect for your Q-Fig collection. Inspired by the classic Disney animated television series Gargoyles, the Demona Q-Fig presents the She-Demon as she prepares to leap from her perch and strike with razor sharp claws and a vicious prehensile tail.. A worthy adversary of the Manhattan Clan, Demona is presented here with a shock of red hair and the pale blue skin of her true form. She is every bit Goliath’s equal, and our Demona Q-Fig perfectly captures the fury and menace of this legendary creature. The remarkable Goliath Q-Fig stands 5 inches tall from the diorama base to the tip of her bat-like wings. The base itself is meticulously sculpted to resemble the gothic rooftop of the Eyrie Building, which will match perfectly when paired with the Goliath Q-Fig. Beware, though - sparks may fly, and we can’t guarantee that your collection will remain unscathed should they awaken during the night. Demona and Goliath are the first releases in our new Gargolyes collection with more to come. Stay tuned!
EAN: 0812095025277
Package Dimensions: 6.3 x 6.3 x 6.2 inches